Friday, December 2, 2011

New biome reader masters available!!

The third step in using the biome readers is to make a book for the child to illustrate and demonstrate their comprehension.  It is their own book that they can take home to share with their parents how they can read and what they are studying at the same time.  The format we have been sending out requires legal size paper and must be rather time consuming to copy.  I have noticed that the teachers at my own school were not making the books available to children.  So I came up with a new format on regular 8 1/2 x 11 paper that you can cut down six pages using a cutting guide, staple the right hand side and have six copies of a book.  I hope that this makes the job a lot easier.

We have stored the masters in the internet cloud and you can take this link to find them. Be sure to get the cutting guide as well.

South America Biome Reader Masters
North America Biome Reader Masters
Europe Biome Reader Masters
Africa Biome Reader Masters
Australia Biome Reader Masters
Asia Biome Reader Masters
The Alpine Ibex from the Europe Readers

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello. I attended your workshop about bioms yesterday. That was very interesting. You have given some links to Polish sites like the above ones. The problem is that I must have taken them down in the wrong way so the site does not open. Could you write the proper link, please? I wolud be very grateful. :-)

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